Museum Address:

​​​​The Old Courtyard Museum
Kibbutz Ein Shemer​
M.P. Heffer, 3881600

Opening Hours:
Sun- Thu  8am ​ 4pm
Fri & holiday eves:
8am  1pm
Sat & holidays: 
as ​specified in the Museum's annual log

Groups: upon advanced coordination only - any day and time​​

Contact Details:


The Old Courtyard Museum
The Unique Story of the Kibbutz Way of Life - Past, Present and Future



"They said – we shall form a group, and brothers we shall be
Sharing, all from shoe lace to shirt, and our hearts will be filled with glee"
(Nathan Alterman​)

​​The Ein Shemer Old Courtyard Museum is named after the courtyard where the Kibbutz itself was established in the early 1920's. the museum tells the story of the Kibbutz movement in Israel, from the first Kibbutz communities of about a century ago to the modernization and change these communities have been going through in recent years.

  A view from the courtyard to the museum’s early 20th century brick buildings


​​Can't beat hands-on experience

You are welcome to an interactive experience of Kibbutz life. See films and join guided tours of the residential, industrial and agricultural components of this unique community; enjoy tractor rides, wheat harvesting and bread baking in the Kibbutz's original bakery, and participate in various other activities that filled the young and enthusiastic pioneers' days – and nights.

  A tractor pulling a wagon with children near a green field 

What would an Ottoman​ train want with a Third Aliya tractor?

In a new part of the museum you will find a reconstructed Turkish (Ottoman) train. Not only do we bring you its story, including that of the groves of magnificent oaks that were cut down to enable its operation, you can actually ride it! That part of the museum also features a unique workshop where old tractors and other agricultural equipment from the early days of Kibbutz are re-built. You can learn about the processes of reconstruction, and see films depicting fascinating anecdotes about these old beasts of plow and harvest.

  A large warehouse with tractors of various kinds. Historic photos adorn the walls.

And there is more!

​Visitors are invited to make oil from olives, flour from wheat and of course bake delicious breads in an oil press and a flour mill dating back to the turn of the 20th century, which were restored to their old glory, and brought to the museum. 
  A large brick bakery oven with a fire burning inside. On a table is a tray with loaves of fresh bread
